Technology savvy consulting for creative business solutions
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HotStart is a technology savvy consulting firm that provides professional, high quality, creative business solutions to clients in search of how open innovation can help companies become more efficient and profitable.
The company offers three main services:
When working on behalf of clients, HotStart can execute as either an external consulting service or an independent business agent.
For over 30 years HotStart personnel have owned, operated and assisted numerous entrepreneurial businesses  - from start-ups through to multinational operations.
o  Business Developement Analysis / Troubleshooting;
o  Strategy & Open Innovation consulting to help companies find and evaluate innovative ideas for value - then translate them into enhanced business opportunities for revenue and efficiencies. 
o  Innovative Technology Implementation, Oversight & Management
Strategy & Open Innovation Consulting Technology Implementation Oversight /Management Business Development, Analysis & Troubleshooting

Website Update in Progress
Friday, July 13, 2018

Our website is being revamped please check back later.  Check About Us for more information.

HotStart Enterprises Ltd

Copywrite 2007 - 2018
Phone:  604.319.5463